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Tahta al-zará. A dream under the earth arises from the need to generate bridges between the society and their History, which is materialized in the archaeological heritage of the city of Murcia. I believe that the remembrance of the past can be enhanced through the evocative power of a fictional story in conjunction with the features of a physical space in which the historical events are contextualized. Starting from this symbiosis, I defined a new artistic format coined as “walking picture book” and materialized it in a concrete publication titled “Tahta al-zará”. The story takes place in the XIII century (end of the Muslim mandate in Madinat Mursiya, Spain) and works as an invitation to follow the footsteps of a Muslim girl along Mursiya transferred to the city of the present. This creates an enriched experience where Institutional History and day-to-day stories intermix each other.

Lapeña Gallego, G. (2017).  Álbum caminado. En Román Reyes (ed.) “Critical Dictionary of Social Sciences. Social Scientic Terminology, Virtual Bilingual Edition”, ISBN: 978-84-617-9689-2, Roma: EMUI_ EuroMed University Editions.


Pasado y presente conviven a diario en las calles. Ababol, suplemento cultural del diario La Verdad. (M. J. Moreno)

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